Why Erasmus+

By studying abroad with Erasmus+, you can improve your communication, language and inter-cultural skills and gain soft skills highly valued by future employers. You can also combine your period spent studying abroad with a traineeship to gain work experience - ever important when starting out on the job market. Opportunities to study abroad are available to students at short cycle Bachelor and Master levels and Doctoral candidates. Access to Erasmus+ Online Linguistic Support will help you learn the language used for your studies if you are moving between Programme countries. Students with physical, mental or health-related conditions may apply for additional funding after they have been selected to study abroad.


Erasmus+ can offer you support during your period of study abroad: whether this is in an Erasmus+ Programme country or in an Partner country.


Erasmus+ supports traineeships (work placements, internships, etc.) abroad in a Programme or Partner country for students enrolled in higher education in a Programme Country. These opportunities are also open to recent graduates.


Willing to start your erasmus+ adventure?

First of all, you need to decide what will be your first experience. Study or practice? If you decide to study in one of the partner universities please check their website and see if they have your study program and the nomination period. After you find 2-3 possibilities you can come to the Erasmus+ office to get more information about your choice. For practice mobilities you can find on your own a company that can accept you to do an internship for at least 2 month

Step Formalities

After you find your best option you can start your application following each step with attention and making sure you do everything in time respecting the calendar of the host institution and home university


Register on our platform - make sure you follow only this link

2nd STEP - ask about help to choose the right courses and activities for yourself

Each faculty of USVT has an ERASMUS+ Departmental Coordinator which provide you support for your academic mobility: the available courses, ECTS credits and choosing the subjects in your Learning Agreement.

3rd Create your application

Complete all the documents requested and create your application. Make sure your application form is correctly made with the right period from your host university/institution

4th Step Check and accept

After your application has been checked you will be informed about the status.

5th stept - after approval

If you have been accepted please read very carrefully the agenda of your host instituion.

6th Step Plan your trip

Please inform us about your departure time. Make sure you come to the Erasmus+ office with a month before your mobility starts to sign the financial contract.


At the selection for student mobility from the ERASMUS+ Program:

– students who:

a. are registered with ULST;

b. are enrolled in the year of selection for university studies by:

  • – bachelor degree, with the exception of first-year students, who can only benefit from practical mobility at the end of the first year of study
  • – masters;
    – doctorate, full time form.

c. they have no arrears.

Cannot register:

a. students who have already benefited from Erasmus+ student status for a period of 12 months per education cycle, with the exception of students from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, who can benefit for 2 years (24 months);

b. students who benefit from scholarships from European funds (they cannot benefit from double European funding);

c. students enrolled at other higher education institutions than ULST.

Necessary documents for your application

Lecturer dr. Raul Pascalau Head of Erasmus+ Office

For practice mobilities, the application must be made at least 35 days before the start of the mobility.

In the case of study mobilities, both the host university calendar and the USVT internal calendar are respected

Periods has to be respected exactly how you declared on the financial contract otherwise the grand must be returned 

After the file is accepted and before the mobility is carried out, the following must be brought to the Erasmus+ Office:

– copy of CI/Passport

– bank statement (in euro from Raiffeisen Bank)

– medical insurance for the entire period of mobility

– signing the Erasmus+ contract with 30 days before the mobility starts

Upon returning from mobility, the student must bring the following documents from the host university:

The certificate of participation related to the mobility period carried out;
Learning Agreement with original signatures;
Transcript of records with grades obtained;
For practice mobilities: Acceptance of the company/institution for carrying out E+ mobility.
Travel tickets
Based on the grades obtained at the host university, the grades will be equated to:

– The equivalency certificate (approved by the equivalency commission for the studies carried out through the Erasmus+ program).

Other relevant informations

Students with low incomes (those who benefit from a social grant or those who meet the conditions necessary to obtain a social grant) will receive, in addition to the mobility grant, an amount of 200 euros/month.
Erasmus+ helps organize student and doctoral candidate exchanges. These take place within countries fully part of the Erasmus+ program to and from countries associated with Erasmus+

ERASMUS+ departmental coordinators:

Șef lucr. dr. Șmuleac Iosefina Laura
Faculty of Agriculture - [email protected], [email protected]
Conf. dr. Feher Andrea Ana
Faculty of Management and Rural Tourism - [email protected], [email protected]
Șef lucr. Dr. Bucur Iulia-Maria
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - [email protected], [email protected]
Șef lucrări dr. Monica Negrea
Faculty of Food engineering - [email protected]
Conf.Dr.Ing. Marioara Nicula Neagu
Faculty of Bioengineering and Animal Resources - [email protected]
Sef de lucrări univ. dr. VELICEVICI GIANCARLA
Faculty of Engineering of Applied Technologies - [email protected] [email protected]

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