Invata din experienta mea- Erasmus merge mai departe!
In perioada 16-17 martie 2021, la toate cele 6 facultati din cadrul USAMVBT, au avut loc evenimentele Erasmus Open Doors 2021, evenimente online, la care cei peste 400 de participanti au avut posibilitatea sa descopere programul Erasmus+, oportunitatile nenumarate pe care le au, atat la practica, cat si la studiu, la predare sau formare, in tarile Programului, sau in tarile Partenere, sau sa asculte exemple de bune practici, testimoniale ale mai multor colegi, din fiecare facultate, privind experientele lor Erasmus+.
Totodata a fost lansata si platforma electronica unde se poate depune aplicatia pentru o mobilitate Erasmus+.
Multumim tuturor participantilor si organizatorilor pentru aceste evenimente frumoase si incarcate de emotie!
Si… asteptam aplicatiile!
Go international, choose Erasmus!
The Erasmus+ Office of Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “ King Michael I of Romania” has the pleasure to announce the beiginning of the first Green International Erasmus+ Staff Week
Looking forward for the presentations of all the valuable panelists!
Erasmus+ STT at one of our very active E+ partner from Turkey, Erciyes University, in order to extend our partnership and discuss the potential projects, with an increased interest for Erasmus+ traineeship mobility to be developed, KA2 projects and research ones.
Universitatea de Științe Agricole si Medicină Veterinară a Banatului has been represented by: Assistant Professor Raul Pascalau, Erasmus+ Head of Office, Associate Professor Laura Smuleac, Vice dean at the Faculty of Agriculture and Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator, Professor Teodor Trasca, Head of Department of Food Technologies and Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator at the Faculty of Food Engineering.
The strategic meetings included discussions with: Prof Dr. Osman Sönmez Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Prof Dr Ali Cesur Onmaz, Vice dean of Veterinary faculty, Prof Dr Mehmet Ulaş
Çınar, Director of International Office, Betül Mete, Erasmus+ Coordinator, and Elmas of Kademoglu, English language Lecturer and Erasmus+ officer. Yusuf Konca, Erasmus+ Agriculture Faculty Coordinator and Head of Department of Animal Science.
Thank you all for your welcome in your university and for all the support and cooperation within the frame of Erasmus+.
Erasmus + Programme
Faculty of Tourism and Hotels – Mansoura University today, Tuesday, April 20, 2021 Romanian delegation to Banat University, attended by Dr. Mohamed Al-Rifai – Coordinator of International Relations at the University, in light of the activation of internationalization and the faculty and the auxiliary body between Mansoura universities and Romanian girls university.
It was at the delegation’s reception:
– Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Abdel Latif – Dean of the College.
Dr. Rehab Mahmoud Al-Sharnoubi – Deputy of the College for Postgraduate and Research Affairs.
– Dr. Ahmed Adel Hamad – Coordinator of International Relations at the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels.
– Dr. Mohamed Abdel Fattah Zahri – Head of Hotel Studies
The Roman delegation is composed of:
– Dr Ana-Mariana Dincu
– Dr Remus Gherman
– Dr Ioana Balan
A tour of the college was undertaken, where the delegation moved to the College Museum and the students of the Tourism Guidance Department under the supervision of Dr. Karim Ahmed Abdel Fattah – the teacher in the department provides an explanation of the models of artifacts at the museum.
Transferred to the college restaurant and visited the college educational kitchen, where the students of the Department of Hotel Studies under the supervision of Dr. Ahmed Anwar Al-Saeed – explaining the ingredients of the restaurant, providing Ramadan meals to welcome the delegation.
Moving after the restaurant hall where the Romanian delegation gave lectures on tourism and an introduction lecture on Banat University and how to apply for grants from postgraduate students, associate bodies and faculty.. Questions were opened following each lecture
The visit ended by thanking the delegation for the organization and warm reception and admiration for the college and its organization and the high level of education for the students. Afterwards, photographs were taken with the delegation, which expressed his happiness with this distinguished meeting in Rehab Faculty of Tourism and Hotels – Mansoura University.
In addition to the mobility at the university, our colleagues had meetings with representatives of Kenyan companies in order to conclude Erasmus+ agreements.
Congrats to our colleague, Lecturer Teodor Vintila, Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator at the Faculty of Bioengineering of Animal Resources.
Consequently, Prof. Dr. Stanciu Sorin, Vice rector for International relations , Prof. Dr. Iancu Tiberiu, Vice rector for Education, Prof. Dr. Imbrea Florin, Dean at the Faculty of Agriculture and Prof. Dr. Pet Ioan, Dean at the Faculty of Bio engineering of Animal Resources, had meetings with the representatives of the Board of the university, tracing the directions of our future cooperation.
Dr. Lulu Tunu Kaaya, Director of Internationalization, Convocation and Advancement and Senior Lecturer in Freshwater Ecology, together with Dr. Antidius B. Rweyongeza, Internationalization Officer at the Directorate of Internationalization, Convocation and Advancement, assisted our delegation during the entire period of the mobility. A series of opportunities have been identified in several mutual areas of cooperation.
Meeting with our friend and partner, Honorary Consul General of Romania in Haiti, President of the Biodiversity Haitian Fund, President of College Universitaire de Roumanie in Haiti, one of our Erasmus+ partners, to plan and discuss our future projects within the areas of the biodiversity.